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Anabolic Steroids Information

There is no doubt that anabolic steroids are talked about more now, then ever before. Anabolic steroids are used in every sport, and many occupations.

Types Of Steroids

There are several different types of anabolic steroids. One of the most popular steroids is testosterone. It is mainly used for gaining weight, but is also used while dieting to help preserve muscle and increase the metabolism. There are several different types of testosterone, and well as numerous companies that produce it. The most popular brand of testosterone is Sustanon. It is a blend of four different testosterones. Other steroids which are popular for adding size and strength are dianabol, and anadrol. Steroids that are commonly used while dieting, or "cutting", are finaplix, winstrol, primobolan, oxandrolone, and clenbuterol. Other steroids which are used in with a combination of the above are, deca durabolin, and equipoise.

Side Effects

Some of the side effects that may occur are: liver and kidney damage, acne, gynecomastia, aggression, and high blood pressure. Some steroids are very toxic to the body, while others have less side effects.

Fake Steroids

One of the biggest problems with purchasing anabolic steroids is obtaining fake steroids. There are a lot of fake steroids on the market. In fact, there are probably more fake steroids, with little or no steroid ingredients on the market, then there are real legit steroids. The worst part is that it is very difficult to spot a fake, and you won't know until after your cycle is done and you don't see any results, or even get sick from taking it. This probably is not only in the local gym, but on the internet as well.

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